OPG Blogs A Story
OPG Blogs A Story
"OPG Helps Granny."
Tonight's tall tale features Granny and Outlaw Peasant Girl.
Peasant Girl has just awakened to the scarce sun ray dancing in her window. She sighs at the welcome sight, "it's going to be a beautiful day!" All goes according to plan: her ward is fed, dressed, hair shampooed, shaved, braces in place, lunch made and packed. Everything is in place for the next phase of the day.
Granny, hearing that Outlaw Peasant Girl has started the day without her, hurries to get involved in the day's activities, only to discover, (to everyone's dismay), that there is something amiss! Granny has misplaced her only pair of choppers and is frantically going through her bedding. "How can anyone lose their teeth? I know they have to be in here, I had them when I went to bed last night!"
Outlaw Peasant Girl, hearing the desperation in Granny's voice, dons her knight in shinning armor suit and comes to the aid
of beloved Granny. Linens are carefully checked one by one and discarded to a heap. Growing larger by the second). The bed is moved, lifted and darn near torn apart. Alas, to no avail. The choppers are not to be found. Outlaw peasant Girl remembers that Granny has been a bit off lately and decides to look in any cup or bowl that may be harboring the ellusive choppers. The morning is now slipping away without Granny's or Outlaw Peasant Girl's knowledge of such.
But this is a beautiful day and Granny finds her pearly whites! (In the denture cup on the bathroom counter, of course) With this mystery behind her, Granny informs Outlaw Girl that she is in need of some assistance, in that her recent wound, the binding is peeling up from the edges and she fears that germs may find this to be too much of an open door policy and invade the same. Off goes the armor and on goes the crisp white uniform and stunning cap of Outlaw Peasant Girl. The task is performed flawlessly and OPG is thinking, "This is going to be a beautiful day."
OPG glances at her time piece to find that she and Granny should be leaving for the vampire cleansing at that very moment or risk the shame of a not so fashionable late entrance. Granny needs to wash, eat, dress and OPG will have to adorn the top of Granny's head with the pelt or Granny will not want to venture out into the cruel world.
Finally, Granny is delivered, and Peasant Girl continues on to accomplish the list of duties that need to be taken care of. "Oh what a beautiful day." The chariot sails toward the Metropolis. And then it happened. "Where did that cloud come from?"
And the chariot, without a moment's notice, was coasting to a stop in the middle of nowhere... and what next?? Outlaw Peasant Girl hardly has time to think. A guardian angel appears, and whisks her away to the bustling city. Delivered right to the door of the one of a kind, darn near saintly (except
that Shawna thing) daugher of OPG, where she is wined and dined on the finest from the pantry. DNS, with the care of a mallard, herds her brood to their awaiting chariot and all are tranported back to nowhere. And what next?? It works! And Granny is not left to the vampires any longer than need be.
Granny and Outlaw Peasant Girl have many more adventures but OPG is too tired to continue on at this hour, and the down-pour has started again. Look for the continuing saga in future mailings.
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OutLaw Peasant Girl signing off for now. Night all!!!!!!
At 8:31 PM,
Rick Northup said…
Larry posted to Mom's
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